To embody the Divine

Marriage between your

Feminine + Masculine within

you must learn the art of

descension and ascension.

Spiritual awakening

is a figure 8 journey.

Many focus on ascending up

and out the body

without valuing the descent

into the body.

Bringing the body along is

essential to embodied

spirituality with this Earth.

If we want to create the

beautiful world we know is

possible we must become

integrated, whole, and

embodied - in the body.

These multi-dimensional

sessions guide you to

strengthen your awareness,

heal the nervous system,

and clear trauma.

Feel in, down,

and through to expansion.

Kamila is called a spiritual

midwife and doula by clients.

She will guide you to trust

your body wisdom beyond what

you knew was possible.

Your body knows how to give

birth to your becoming.

Kamila will compassionately,

intuitively, and lovingly guide

you through the surrender,

empowerment, and


What waits for you on the

other side is all that your soul

has longed for, and it takes

great courage.


Some of what you may learn…

  • Imagination is one of your greatest superpowers, the power of visualization

  • Somato Emotional Healing for healthy emotional range of expression

  • Empowering yourself to lead your inner family well in the sacred home of your body

  • Deepening your embodiment by moving out of disassociation into safety within the body

  • Trauma healing release for greater vitality of life force and health in the body

  • Embodied experience and knowledge of your chakras

  • Learning the importance of grounding + boundaries for energetic sustainability

  • Shamanic journeying to feel the wonder, awe and expansiveness of Creation

  • Breathwork to stay present in the moment with the breath of life

  • Sound Healing to clear mental dominance, stay present in the body, connecting to your vibratory nature

  • Freeing up to your unique expression + creativity

  • Holding + directing your power with integrity, humility, and grace

  • Attune to your energy for right livelihood + self-less service in sustainable ways

  • Embracing and titrating discomfort through the transformation of giving birth to your authentic Self


Weekly Sessions

2 monthly 90 Minute Somatic Healing Sessions

2 monthly 60 Minute Integration/Coaching Calls

(In Person or Online)

4 total Calls

Unlimited Text/Email support between sessions

Energy Exchange

$999/per month or

One payment of $2,888

The way out is through.

3 Months offers Level 1 of this path with Kamila. It is a beginning level commitment/container.

Meet Kamila

Kamila has a deep and personal understanding of what it means to come home to her own body through a past of ancestral and personal trauma. Her whole life has been committed to the process of healing and through that she has developed her own intuitive method of transmuting the darkness and unconscious within to surrendered empowerment. She is always and ever the student as well.

It is her committed practice to be the clearest mirror she can be for you to see yourself clearly.


What People Are Saying


“A moment of crystal clarity named one of the most painful and poignant lessons: that I am worthy of having my needs met. Whatever energy she helped me move in that moment feels deeply profound. I am already showing up differently for myself just a few days later. Thank you deeply Kamila, you are a powerhouse healer.”

— Lauren D.

“Through her guidance, I became aware of a lot of alchemical imagery…you should know that I'm not normally given to imaginative thinking…symbolic/visual imagination is definitely not my natural mode of being in the world, so Kamila opening that space for me is kind of a big deal, and I want to give her full tribute for helping me connect to the realm of archetypical stories for my healing.”

— Marc-Antoine P.

“My body and I haven’t necessarily been on the best of terms, and I was a little apprehensive about working through this process. Kamila was patient, soothing, and brought a light and joyful energy to our work together. Kamila walked me through getting out of my head so that I could dialogue with various parts of my body and hear their wisdom.

I was surprised to find humor and fun in my body’s responses, and to learn that it has a willingness to partner with me. After years of chronic illness and self-resentment/abuse, I imagined my body would be really mad at me. I’m a little stunned that it isn’t, and I’m so grateful to be able to move forward with its help. Kamila was such a beautiful guide through this process, and I am so, so grateful.”

— Elena S.

“Somato Emotional Release has been literally life-changing. For 30 years I've lived with my very own strange version of Trichotillomania (hair picking) and normally have a bald patch somewhere on my scalp that I'm hiding. But now I have an entirely new relationship with my hair and scalp since Kamila's somatic session!

With her guidance, I actually spoke to these parts of my body and it was NOT a one-way conversation! Sensations were rife, as were insights, visuals, memories...I connected to parts of myself in a profound way, it was so illuminating. Thank you so much Kamila.”

— Wallis E.