“This work got me to where 10+ years of therapy never could… in one session.”

A Pathway to Deep Healing

In ones journey towards holistic wellbeing one can often focus on mental and emotional states, seeking clarity and balance through talk therapy, mindfulness or meditation. However, an integral aspect of ones healing journey that is often overlooked is somatic embodiment – the felt sense communication, knowing, and emotional feeling nature/processing that happens in and through our body. There is an incredible wealth of wisdom waiting to be accessed through the body. So much of experience in our modern culture is experienced and limited to the mind, yet without coming into the body and finding our safety there how can we fully feel whole?

What is Somatic Awareness?

Somatic awareness refers to the ability to perceive and interpret the sensations and signals of the body. It involves tuning into what we feel, allowing what wants to move through, bringing consciousness to unconsciously held tension, and enhancing the overall felt experience. This awareness goes beyond mere physical awareness; it encompasses how our emotions, thoughts, and past experiences manifest in and through our bodies.

Why is Somatic Awareness Important?

When ones get that gut sense warning you of something and it is override there can be grief and frustration that builds within us. And when grief or anger arise within we can often want to number, repress, or disassociate. Yet, how empowering it can be to learn how to be able to process it in real time. Our body is like an antenna. We grow our intuitive gifts even greater the more embodied we become and then we have more energy for the things we desire to create to live a more fulfilled life, free of fear.

The Wisdom of the Body

Our bodies are repositories of wisdom, storing memories, traumas, and insights that our conscious minds may not always access readily. For instance, a tightness in the chest might signal anxiety or unresolved grief, while a knot in the stomach could reflect unresolved stress or fear. By cultivating somatic awareness as well as processing skills allow us to learn to listen to these bodily cues as valuable messengers guiding us towards deeper self-knowledge, individuation, courage, and grace.

Techniques in this work may include:

Guided Visualition/Active Imagination, Shamanic Journeying, Sound Journeying, Shadow Work, Gestalt Therapy techniques, Craniosacral, Inner Child/Inner Parenting/IFS skills, Ancestral Healing, Energy Healing, Chakra Healing

Somato Emotional Work:

  1. Releases Tension and Stress: Somatic practices such as body scans, connection to breath, and visualization help us release physical tension stored in our muscles. As we relax the body, we often find that emotional tension and stress dissipate as well, promoting a sense of calm and inner peace.

  2. Processes Emotional Trauma: Traumatic experiences can leave lasting imprints on our bodies. Somatic therapies focus on gently releasing stored trauma from the body, allowing for integration and healing at a deep level.

  3. Connects Mind and Body: In our fast-paced, digitally driven/mental/logical world we often become disconnected from our bodies. Somatic awareness practices reconnect us with our physical selves, fostering a harmonious sense of self and with the world around us.

  4. Enhances Mindfulness and Presence: When we are attuned to our bodies, we naturally become more present in the moment. This heightened mindfulness cultivates a greater sense of awareness and appreciation for life's experiences, both joyful and challenging. As well as deeper connections with those around us, empowering to live co-creatively with Divine inspiration. Magic becomes a part of your every day.

  5. Empowers Self-Regulation: Somatic awareness empowers us to regulate our nervous system responses. By recognizing bodily sensations associated with stress or anxiety early on, we can employ relaxation techniques or grounding exercises to restore balance and resilience.

  6. Greater Alignment to Authentic Self: When we are embodied and feel safe within ourselves we no longer are abandoning ourselves to fit in. We are operating from the inside out rather than outside in. We are more authentic, empowered, and courageous to fulfill our destiny. Life becomes more of an adventure. We no longer shy away from discomfort because we are fully resourced to meet life with complete honesty and integrity.

Embracing Your Journey

Embarking on a journey of somatic embodiment work is not merely about fixing ailments or overcoming challenges; it's about embracing the full spectrum of our human experience. It invites us to listen deeply to our bodies, honor our physical selves, and our connection to everything around us. As we cultivate somatic awareness, we unveil the innate wisdom and resilience that reside within us.

Let us embark on this transformative journey together – honoring the wisdom of your bodies and embracing the healing available through somato emotional journeying work.

These sessions can be done in person in Hood River, Oregon, and as effective online through Zoom or FaceTime. These sessions are best to be done over a series of months, and are a great adjunct to talk therapy. The frequency is unique to each individuals ability to digest and integrate the work.

$225/90 min.

$300/2 Hours